The puppies eyes are open so we start to see their expression. With eyes and ears opened they are interacting more and more with each other, so it's even more fun to watch them. <3 I handle them every day in some kind of systematic way to make sure everyone has the same stimulation. And now I feel we are starting real bonding. Well MY bonding comes even before they are born, I'm thinking from their side. :-D But still mostly they are left alone, I only sit and observe them.
They can smell Asaja when she is close to the puppy-box, and when she enter or exit the noise level is high! But they sooth down after a while and fall asleep or sit/lay and taste each other.
We have started to have the radio on in the puppy room, no and then. I also put down a pillow now and then, it's a rare red peanut tightly stuffed pillow. It provide them with a slightly change in environment, they can push it around, they can sleep on or under it without any danger. Miss Red was the first one to use it as a princess-bed. She was too cute <3, sorry i didn't have the camera there. The next weeks we will see more and more of their personality.
Here are the 2 weeks portraits, first the four girls:
Weight: 910 g |
Weight: 960 g |
Weight: 1060 g |
Weight: 960 g |
Then the boys:
Weight: 1050 g |
Weight: 960 g |
Weight: 990 g |
Weight: 1010 g |
Asaja is nursing her Hundters Dance gang in a very nice way. <3 |
From left to right: Brown, Pink, Blue, Black, Lilac, Orange, Green and Red. |
One of my favorites <3 - Mr Brown, sitting and observing. |
I think this is Miss Lilac complaining a little. |
Miss Pink and Mr Black. |
The half siblings from Asajas litter in september 2013 - head shots from the same age.
Her må det være mye godt materiale til arbeidsvilje :-) Hilsen Marita
SvarSlettDet er jeg overbevist om at det er Marita! Gode neser, vilje og samarbeidslyst. Det blir spennende og følge med på hvordan de utvikler seg, foreløpig virker de veldig jevne, men vi vil nok se noe mere forskjeller etterhvert. Så vi kan finne ut hvem som kan tenkes å ville bli redningshund, hvem som skal bli jakthund, hvem som skal bli diabeteshund og hvem som skal drive med bruks, agility og andre morsomme hundeaktiviteter. Alle skal nå bli familiemedlemmer i bunnen! <3