
onsdag 24. juni 2015

June pictures

"A picture say more than thousands word." It also take less time, time I will spend outside today. :-D
Following lots of photos from June: 

Bhest after gametracking, training that went really well.
Bhest is giving Felicia the roe deer leg, he found in the end of the track.

Bhest friends! <3
 Playing is a part of the reward. :-)
Trym and Bhest, resting on the couch. <3
Felicia, with help from aunt, made a "blomsterkrans" (floral wreath). 
Ready to start tracking. Kaisa.
Happy Kaisa, did a great job!
Arya, Frøya and Kaisa, out playing.
"Dumbo" Kaisa, been whistled in.
Beautiful Frøya.

BOB and BOS, Bhest and Frøya.

Excellent for Arya

Kaisa, Frøya and Bhest

BOB and BIS-huntclass, BIS3 (2y 4months old) NO FI SE CH Multestua Mattykaisa's Bheste (Brandywine Ruff N'Tumble x Shaggy Toller's Keehnu Dancing Zeta) B/O/H: Nina W. Nilsen
BOS - (9 months old) Lauvstuas Pinti Field Goal (Aqueus Hop To It x Sunlit Tifa Emmastar) Owners: Nina W. Nilsen/Tina Edvaldsen

Nice days on a hunt course in Sweeden.The instructor is working with an equipage in the back, all dogs know were to look. ;-) 
Bhest is also watching. <3
We got some very nice tips on how to do the free-search training.
Courses are hard work! ;-)
Old fashion lunch (cabaret), in a new way!
The best licorice I've ever tasted!
Very nice group of dogs and owners at the course... 

... great areas to work in and a competent instructor, with lots of nice exercises.  

Frøya ready for gametracking

Miss naughty, looks so innocent.. :-)

She loves the victory parade. :-D

Frøya is still learning the basics. Her motivation is mountain high, her nose effective, but her speed is to fast.

My man, ready for tracking.
This was a really challenging track, but I think he got some good experience, and he did find the roe deer.

Happy and proud!

Another day with hunt training

Ylja in the free serch, can you see her?

The bushwood made it difficult for the dogs to search and the photographer to get good photos. :-p

NORD UCH Multestua Mattykaisa's Bheste 

Did nice direction work, by the water (not in), with good length and another dog working towards the same area. Close-search and free search. We used shots in most situations. He worked with good speed, was calm/quiet and focused all the way.
Idyll! Except for the mosquito or gnat. :-(

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En Multehund har gått over regnbuebroen

N RL CH MULTESTUA DANSENDE ARRAK PIRAT <3 21.04.2010 - 26.02.2017 <3 Hvil i fred elskede venn! Arrak har vært en helt spe...