Brumm, 1,5 år. |
Født/Born: February 10th 2013
Kjønn/Gender: Male
Høyde & vekt/Hight & weight: 51 cm (20 inches) and 21-22 kg (48 pounds)
Hofter/Hips: A (Excellent) Index 114
Albuer/Elbows: A (Excellent)
PRA: B - Carrier
CEA: A - Clear, by parentage
JADD: Probably Normal, by parentage.
Øyelysning/Eye ECVO: Clear in 2017 & 2019.
Utstilling/Show: 2 x CERT og BIM / 2 x CAC and BOS
Blodspor/tracking: Godkjent annlegsprøve/approved ability test
Mentalbeskrivelse hund/Mental assessment test: Kjent mental status, gjennomført test, skudd=1 / Known mental status, shot = 1
Avl/Breeding: Brumm will be available for the right girl. At a minimum the girl must be healthy and have a breed typical nice temperament. We need known results from hips, elbows and a known PRA A (clear), eye-ECVO must be done. We also like it if she has merits from either or both hunttest, show, MH and/or other dogsports.
The initial contact are to be done to me, the breeder: Nina W. Nilsen, multestua(at), +4740411386.
Multestua Mattykaisa's Brumm, 26 months old, visiting Multestua. <3 |
Brumm lives in Sweeden (Dalarna) with Jessica and another tollermale (Chippen). Brumm is doing dummytraining with Jessica. He is the first dog Jessica do hunt training with, and they are learning together. So far they have not started any tests, but they have a lot of fun, sometimes to much fun. ;-) Maybe they will be seen in a competition this summer. Their results from MH(mental test), tracking and show can be seen further down (only in Norweigan).
Brumm is out of a litter of 8. They are all x-rayed with best possible result, and they are beautiful, healthy, outgoing, confident and happy dogs. The parents are Kaisa and Matty. Kaisa is Shaggy Toller's Keehnu Dancing Zeta, she has results from multiple dogsports, the highlights being a 1.prize (and win) in open class tolling hunt test, and several Tollerevents in Norway and Denmark where she has won the tollinghunttest one day, and taken the Best of Breed the next day. Kaisa is C.I.B, Nordic showchampion (Denmark, Sweeden and Norway) and a trackingchampion in Norway and Sweeden. Matty is Brandywine Ruff N'Tumble, a lovely Canadian boy, with an exciting pedigree, he lives in a pet-home but has finished the champion title, a junior hunter and working certificate.
Mr Red - Brumm 6 weeks |
Mr Red - Brumm - 6 weeks |
First cold game, nice grip |
Juniors at 11 months, Brumm to the left, sister Embla, and brother Bhest |
Nice maskuline head, he is around 16-18 months here. |
2 years old, lovely male head. |
Brumm loves to retrieve from water. |
Almost 1,5 year |
2 years old |
Closer to 2 year, lovely male head, with the soft and playful expression the breed should have. <3 |
Some more information in Norwegian:
Brumm er en ung flott tollerhanne, som fremdeles er i utvikling både fysisk og mentalt. Men han har falt nok på plass til at vi kan vurdere å la han gå i avl etter hvert nå, men det har ingen hast. Brumm er en veldig sosial og leken gutt. Han har mye drifter og stor arbeidslyst. Han trenes både i blodspor og på jakt og viser gode talenter. Jeg testet han litt med dummy da han var 1,5 år. Jeg ser en aktiv og alert gutt som likevel viser god konsentrasjon og jobber bra, selv med andre hunder ikke så langt unna. Han markerer godt, viser gode avleveringer og samarbeidsvilje. Han har myke stabile grep om dummyen. Han er ikke trent på vilt, da han som 15 mnd gammel unghund, ble presentert for opptint vilt på en fellestrening i Sverige, ville han ikke mer enn å snuse på det. Vi skal få til litt vilttrening i løpet av våren/sommeren så får han nok dreis på det. Jeg ser mange fellestrekk mellom Brumm og Bhest og vi skulle gjerne bodd litt nærmere så vi kunne trent mer sammen. :-)MH protokoll:
Dato: 31/8-14 Hundens alder: 1 år og 6 mnd
Moment 1: 4, 4, 4
Moment 2: 4,3,3
Moment 3: 1.gang: 3, 3 2.gang: 4, 4
Moment 4: 3
Moment 5: 4, 1, 5, 3, 3
Moment 6: 3, 4, 1, 3
Moment 7: 3, 5, 4, 1
Moment 8: 3, 5, 3, 1, 1
Moment 9: 3, 3
Moment 10: 1
"Herlig juniorhane av prima typ, Trevligt hovud & uttrykk, fina proporsjonar skalle & nos, velburna öron, utmerket overlinje. Bra skulder, forbryst o. kropp for alderen. Tilrecklig vinklad fram, utmerked bak. Typiske rörelser som även inkluderar svansen. Utmerket pels. Trevligt visad!" (Exc.jk CK Res.Cert)
"Velbalanserad hane, som med mer ringtrening skulle gjøre seg myket bättre i en ring. Velskuret hovud, bra uttryck, korrekt bitt. Utmerket hals. Tilstreklig skulderrvinkel, bra overlinje. Velvinklet bak, velutviklad kropp. Utmerkede rørelser. Bra pels og temperament." (Exc 2 akk CK)
Godkjent. (15 måneder gammel.)
"Tar sporet bra, går helt i sporkjernen til vinkel 3 som klares med ringning. Blir etter det litt mer svepende (yvigare) i sporarbeidet. Får et lite tap ved sporslutt, men utreder det uten hjelp." Sportid: 18 min.
Brumm behind his 7,5 y old mum. |
Brumm and his brother Bhest, waiting calmly for the hunt training to start. |
Brumm is an eager and stylish worker. |
I think Brumm and Bhest is very similar in the way they work. |
Brumm is a good marker, he is focused and learns fast. |
Update, Tollerspeciality 2015.
Brumm and Jessica was together with us at Tollerspecialen in Dalarna (Sweden) in August 2015. We had some great days. :-)
He and Jessica took part in their first hunttest ever, in the Working Test beginners class. Brumm has never been working with so much happening around him, more than 100 tollers around waiting, 5 post, shooting - a lot of pressure. But he showed himself as a quiet and calm dog while waiting, behaving himself very well! On one post he got top score with 20 points, but after that he forgot to wait for mums "go" he had figured out what to do. ;-) So some steadiness training before next time. :-DAt the showground on Sunday, Jessica showed him in a nice way, and he got an excellent critique, and ended up as number 2 from 34 open class males. Stunning results, congratulatipons to Jessica and Brumm!
A few photos from august 2015.
Tollaren Brumm og Matte Jessica på Tollarspecialen 15 i Sälen. |
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Brumm with some of his dogfriends. |
Update 2019
During the years we have had several very nice requests for Brumm as a breeding male, but not quite the right combination of pedigree and parents health, working ability, mentality and exterior has come up, before now. :-) Also age and good health is a nice merit for a breeding boy. Brumm is 6 years old. By the way I forgot to tell, he did get his champion title back in January 2016, judge Jan-Erik Ek gave him his last CAC and put him up as BOB of 32 tollers, and finaly he was BIS3.
Brumm has had his first mating, and we are keeping our fingers crossed and hope for a nice litter in september. His girlfriend is a lovely girl called Kira (Sunlit Kira Hotcora's) and the breeder is Ellen Horn Langeland - kennel Røvarbu's. Litter pedigree. Now the waiting begins: Good luck, Kira and Ellen!
Brumm has had his first mating, and we are keeping our fingers crossed and hope for a nice litter in september. His girlfriend is a lovely girl called Kira (Sunlit Kira Hotcora's) and the breeder is Ellen Horn Langeland - kennel Røvarbu's. Litter pedigree. Now the waiting begins: Good luck, Kira and Ellen!
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