
søndag 7. oktober 2012

New Champion

I'm so proud of Asaja and Heidi, big congratulations! :-)
Asaja has earned her norwegian gametracking champion this week, she is now: 

N VCH Multestua Dansende Asaja Pirat
(SE N UCH Nitric Fox Approved - NORD UCH N SE VCH Shaggy Toller's Keehnu Dacing Zeta)

Asaja with her new rosette.
Asaja was my keeper from the first (and so far only) litter at Kennel Multestua. Since I didn't have the opportunity to keep her at home. She is living with friends of mine in Fetsund. Heidi real early discovered that Asaja was a very capable tracking dog. They have been training utility tracking. On our kennel weekend last fall, they were introdused to gametracking, and this spring Heidi decided to compete in gametracking. She has startet Asaja three times, the result: 2 x 1st prize and 1 x 1st prize with HP!!!

The judge was thrilled with Asaja and love everything about her. I am thrilled that Heidi, Geir and Krypto are taking so good care of my Pirate-princess! <3

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En Multehund har gått over regnbuebroen

N RL CH MULTESTUA DANSENDE ARRAK PIRAT <3 21.04.2010 - 26.02.2017 <3 Hvil i fred elskede venn! Arrak har vært en helt spe...