torsdag 23. august 2012
Album med bilder fra helgen
Five beautifull championbitches on NKK Bjerke this year, and 21 bitches entered to compete for a "Cruft-ticket" (but I think three-four of them didn't show). Kaisa became BOS, CACIB and Cruft-qualified. Two hours earlier she was participating in a field trial, around a muddy pound. Her fur is so easy, she did get a quick towel rub, into the car for an hours drive, entering Bjerke at the time they where about to start the tollers. Brush, and ready when the champion class started. :-)
I've made an album with pictures from the weekend, coments in Norwegian:
I am so sad that we lost more than hundred picturs from friday, when we had a litter meeting. All (except Strauss living in Oz) Kaisas 2 year olds was there for fiel-practis, bbq and fun. We took alot of work, fun and group photos, but by a mistake they have been deleted. :-(
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