
tirsdag 4. juni 2013

Asaja "brag post"

Drammen 1. June 2013
Judge: Ann-Cristin Johansson (SE)

BOB: N VCH (bloodtrackingch) Multestua Dansende Asaja Pirat (O: Nina W. Nilsen) 
BOS: Ch. Tollergrendas Outstanding Chance (O: Elin Blad)

This nice couple was the judges choice for BOB and BOS from the 42 beautiful tollers entered in the show. I was very happy with the win, as Asaja has had to climb the ladder this year, starting with a "good" in her first show in March. Asaja has BOB from earlier at smaller show, but this was her first big win. In Norway one of three CACs for the title must be a "big" CAC. The competisoin is often hard. This time Asaja went to the top, and I am so proud of her!

Asaja is from my first litter out of Kaisa and Jack, she was my pick puppy, mostly because of her beeing a promising workdog, and the most spontanious with cold game. She is living with friends of mine, and Heidi and Geir takes very good care of her, and they love her to bits. Heidi has trained her for both blodtracking, utility/workingdog, obedience and hunting-/fieldtrials. She does a great job, with a great dog.

Last weekend Asaja was in Gjøvik/Lillehammer where she was 3de best bitch with res.CAC one day and the next day she won the Working Test beginners class with more than 20 retrievers. Making her the Dual Purpose Winner all together, here is her winning picture:
(More pictures here)

Isn't she adorable? We are expecting her heat soon, but maybe she will have time for more fun before she will be occupied with her first litter. (If all goes like we plan and hope for.)

I just had to dive into old albums and find this foto fram NKK Drammen in 2010:

Asajas father came to Norway to visit the puppies in 2010, and I had the honer of showing him, he was BOB that year. <3

Balto på besøk

 Multestua Mattykaisa's Balto har vært på besøk. Å det var herlig å se gutten igjen. Jeg er ikke i tvil om at han kjente meg igjen, i møte med bror og mor ble han litt usikker. Men tødde fort opp. Balto virker som en kvikk og lærevillig kar, valpekurset hans har blitt utsatt flere ganger, men nå begynner det denne uka. Det blir nok fint for han. Han elsker og rase rundt i skogen og oppførte seg eksemplarisk med Nina på bytur også. Det er ikke vanskelig og se hvorfor de fikk mye oppmerksomhet. Han er jo bare nydelig! Her er noen bilder av gutten. For de som vil se flere bilder, se i albumet Balto.




En Multehund har gått over regnbuebroen

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